No favorable support for the weak market of ammonium phosphate (9.2-9.6)

Price Trend


According to the data of business associations, the domestic market price of monoammonium phosphate remained stable this week. The average price of powder monoammonium is 2150 yuan per ton at the beginning of the week and 2150 yuan per ton at the end of the week, which is the same as that on September 1.


According to the data of business associations, the domestic market price of diammonium phosphate dropped slightly this week. The average price of 64% diammonium was 2476 yuan/ton at the beginning of the week, and 2450 yuan/ton at the end of the week, down 1.08%. Compared with September 1 (2476.67), it decreased by 1.08%.

Thiourea dioxide

II. Market Analysis

Ammonium monoammonium: This week, the domestic powder monoammonium market continued its weak trend, and the bargaining center declined. Anhui province 55% ammonium powder factory quoted 2000 yuan – 2150 yuan / ton, smooth start. In Hubei, 55% of ammonium powder is quoted at about 2050 yuan/ton, while 60% of ammonium powder is quoted at 2150-2250 yuan/ton. Henan market maintained stable operation, 55% of ammonium powder factory quoted 2100 yuan / ton, and started smoothly. The price of 55% ammonium powder in Shandong province is 2050 yuan-2150 yuan/ton, which is stable. Sichuan province 55% ammonium powder factory quoted about 2050 yuan/ton.

Diammonium: The domestic diammonium market continues to decline. The shipment situation is not good. At present, 64% of diammonium in Hubei province is offered 2350-2450 yuan per ton, 64% of diammonium in Shandong is offered 2300-2400 yuan per ton, and 64% of diammonium in Yunnan and Guizhou is offered 2400 yuan per ton.

Industry chain: The price of domestic sulphur market in the upstream has fallen sharply, the demand performance in the downstream is still weak, the enthusiasm of terminal purchasing in the market is weak, and the refineries in all regions continue to lower their prices in the absence of news support. Recently, the phosphate ore market has continued to operate steadily. The average price of 30% grade phosphate ore in China is near 416 yuan per ton, based on the quotations of enterprises in several mainstream areas. Domestic liquid ammonia market was weakly adjusted, and some enterprises were slightly lower. At present, the overall performance of liquid ammonia market is weak, mainly affected by the slump of urea market. The downstream compound fertilizer market continues to be weak, and most enterprises take a wait-and-see attitude.


Industry: According to the price monitoring of business associations, in the 35th week of 2019 (9.2-9.6), the price of phosphorus chemical industry rose and fell by two kinds of commodities, falling by one, and falling by two kinds of commodities. The main commodities rising were yellow phosphorus (11.51%) and phosphoric acid (3.95%); the main commodities falling were diammonium phosphate (-1.08%). This week’s average rise and fall was 2.88%. According to the price monitoring of business associations, in the 35th week of 2019 (9.2-9.6), there were 0 kinds of commodities rising or falling in the list of fertilizer prices, 4 kinds of commodities falling, and 5 kinds of commodities rising or falling to 0. The main commodities falling were urea (-1.62%), diammonium phosphate (-1.08%) and ammonium sulfate (-1.06%). Average gains and losses this week were -0.44%.

3. Future Market Forecast

Ammonium phosphate analysts at business associations say the market for ammonium phosphate is worrying this week. The price of raw material sulphur continues to decline, which is not well supported. Downstream demand is weak and follow-up is weak. Some 55 powder enterprises stopped production of monoammonium phosphate. The export of diammonium is not smooth, the domestic sales pressure is increasing, and the transaction is cautious. It is expected that the market of ammonium phosphate will continue to be weak in the later period.