The acetic acid market is weak and declining (2.19-2.26)

According to the Commodity Market Analysis System of Business Society, the price of acetic acid has recently fallen. On February 26th, the average market price of acetic acid was 3150 yuan/ton, a decrease of 150 yuan/ton compared to the price of 3300 yuan/ton on February 19th, a decrease of 1.55%, and a month on month decrease of 5.97%.


Recently, the acetic acid market has been weak and declining. After the holiday, downstream production gradually resumed and procurement enthusiasm was still good. However, the northern region was affected by rainy and snowy weather in the middle of the week, logistics and transportation were limited, factory shipments were poor, enterprise inventory accumulated, and the market trading atmosphere was weak. The price of acetic acid in the market organized downward. As of February 26th, the market prices of acetic acid in various regions are as follows:


The upstream raw material methanol market first fell and then rose. On February 26th, the average price in the domestic market was 2671.67 yuan/ton, an overall increase of 0.47% compared to the price of 2659.17 yuan/ton on February 19th. The recovery of downstream demand after the holiday is relatively slow, and the downstream restocking sentiment is relatively average. In addition, due to the impact of rain and snow weather, some enterprises have limited shipments, and the overall transaction volume of the domestic methanol market is average, resulting in a narrow consolidation of methanol prices.


The downstream acetic anhydride market continues to decline. On February 26th, the factory price of acetic anhydride was 5500 yuan/ton, a decrease of 3.93% compared to the price of 5725 yuan/ton on February 19th. After the holiday, acetic anhydride enterprises resumed production, and the supply of acetic anhydride increased. In addition, nationwide snowfall this week hindered regional transportation, resulting in weak transactions of acetic anhydride. At the same time, the price of raw material acetic acid was weak, and the cost support for acetic anhydride was insufficient, leading to a decline in the price of acetic anhydride.


In the future market forecast, the acetic acid analyst from Shengyishe believes that there is currently sufficient supply of goods in the market, and the mentality of acetic acid enterprises is not good, resulting in lower prices. Downstream purchases are mainly based on demand, and on-site trading is limited. It is expected that the acetic acid market will operate weakly in the short term.